How Rich African Civilizations Were Infiltrated and Lost in The North and Entire African Continent


According to Dr John H. Clarke, a pioneer in the creation of Pan African and African studies and professional institutions in American Universities, when history was barely an embryo, the black people of north Africa had already set the philosophical fire that the Arabs, Greeks, Roman etc. would later warm their hand on it. 

He further adds that the science, religion, geometry, arithmetic and architecture, medicine and all the social laws that later came in use today were already in place in the valleys of the Nile, Niger, Limpopo and Zambezi regions. Dr Clarke is also supported by Chancellor Williams, Dr Ben and many other African scholars.

Africa's civilization map

Therefore, it is no accident that many Africans don’t know about their great past. The invasion of Africa had been done for generations because Africa has what the world wanted so much.

Credits to the many African scholars such as Dr Cheikh Anta Diop who have done exclusive work to reveal a glimpse of Africa’s lost greatness. The invasion of Africa was done in different ways and sometimes in a clandestine manner that the non-initiated might never fathom.

Some of the many ways in which African civilizations were destroyed are;

1. Arabization and Christianization of African People

History records that Arabs colonized Africa first, it exclusively reveals that the Arab slave trade was the most brutal compared to the Europeans’. The Arab invasion was profitable to the Arabs in terms of trade, acquisition of new territories and most preferably slaves.

For the slave masters to have it easy they had to train the slaves to live and identify in their image and likeness i.e. to practice the Arabic language and to behave like one in almost all possible ways except for the skin tone.

To conquer a people, you must apply force, to create fear and confusion, the Arabs and Europeans focused strongly on this. The Arab slave masters could kill as many as they kept on rebelling. Chancellor Williams in The Destruction of Black Civilization cites a man named Mohamed Ali who is known to be the greatest murderer of blacks who ever set foot in Africa.

The African kings, chiefs, philosophers and scholars had to convert and identify as Muslims and Arabic culture so as to be accepted or invited for negotiations or at least receive humane treatment. The African people were often segregated based on how well they could practice Arabic culture. Millions of early blacks were forced either by circumstances or expediency to replace their own names with Asians or European ones.

Changing the names of people, places and ways of identity literally means erasing the already existing identity corresponding to the replacement of African culture and identity. The continued interracial marriages whether forced or in consent lead to the creation of a generation that is of mixed race, and slowly turned whiter. The African cultures also fade and died in the north.

Arabization in Africa before and after the invasion.

The European adventures in Africa also followed almost the same path as that of the Arabs. They taught their slaves European ways and culture. Our ancestors were taught the European language, to portray a European image at all costs.

A language is a tool for cultural development and integration that is why the Arabs, English, French, Portuguese and Spanish colonizers changed the natives of the lands they invaded to speak colonial languages. language was/is essential for communication and there is no way you practice an English culture through an African language.

Language has been used to colonize most parts of Africa and is still in use. That is why the African mind is brainwashed to think that when you can't express yourself in fluent English you are automatically illiterate. 

The conversion of Africans to foreign cultures was also done in other clandestine ways such as in religion, education and the concept of god. The Arabs Islamized the black people and those who never converted were regarded as infidels, the Europeans through their missionaries traded Christianity and whoever refused to transform was branded a pagan who needed to be saved in the name of Jesus Christ.

The Africans were gradually robbed of their spiritual systems and were therefore made to be religious people who followed either Arabic Islam or European Christendom. Human culture predates religion which means man creates religion, but since Africa had lost its culture to the Arabs and Europeans, they had to practice the religion of their invaders.

Islam’s prayers were taught and recited in the Arabic language, their god and prophets were identified in Arabic names, and culture and there were pilgrimages to the Arab region. Christianity on the other hand was practised in European ways. In a nutshell, the African cultures and traditions could never be accommodated in the foreign religions as their main aim was to glorify the alien races.

To date, millions of African descendants can’t stop worshipping the gods of the invaders, we have been conditioned to worship foreign gods. Africa has been decoyed with religion and it has lost its spirituality which predates the god in religious books.

Today when it comes to religion, Africans fight and kill one another for their god. But when it comes to their rights and dignity, they pray to their God to fight for them, the god that was introduced to them by those who deprived them of their rights and dignity, the sheer irony.

Through language, cultural and religious practices, the African people have continued to destroy their own culture and traditions and therefore, civilization. The stage of human cultural and social development depends on the people who preserve and promote them to match the 21st-century world.

2. Colonization of African History by Foreign Invaders

Once you change a people’s culture and tradition, and their language and teach them to identify and worship in your religion, the next step is to erase their past or rather disconnect them from it. This has often been done by both Arabs and European colonizers by a depiction of savagery and infliction of inferiority complex amongst Africans through misinformation and miseducation.

Many among the young generation of Africans are not aware of their great past, it’s rather no accident because Africa’s history has been colonized and locked behind a slavery curtain. Some European scholars have tried to disconnect ancient Egypt from black Africa but the stone curved artefacts and antiques have proved otherwise.


Images showing the facial appearance of various Egyptian kings thousands of years ago have their noses and lips broken off, the reason being that thick lips and broadened noses don’t depict Caucasian appearance.

Ramses II; Ancient Egyptian King

Many history studies at early ages in the African curriculum don’t include the real information but rather the necessary one. We never study the great kingdoms that once existed across Africa. It is no accident that many young Africans know just a little about the Ethiopian victory over the Italians in the battle of Adwa and nothing at all about the humiliating defeat of the Portuguese by Queen N’Zinga of Angola. Many know of Mansa Mari Jalak of Mali only because he identified as Mansa Musa, nevertheless, there were many rich Mansa of Mali that whitewashed history has avoided.

If Africa was to start educating itself, using its talent, rewriting its own history and influencing its own destiny then it would be bad for the business of the imperialists and colonialists who depend very much on our ignorance of our great past.

"If the back people were aware of their glorious past, then they would be more inclined to respect themselves. The time has come for the black man to forget his hero worship of other races and create and emulate heroes of his own." 

~Marcus Garvey

If your past is of greatness, then the greatness should inspire you. Africa’s glorious past has been destroyed or hidden by the colonialists purposefully to deny the African generation knowledge of their history. To prevent them from waking up from their slumber, to rise up and be the kings and queens that they are.

Africa must start educating itself and rewriting its history to safeguard its future. African children must learn their own history first before learning that of English, French etc. They must learn about their heroes and their sociopolitical organizations, not just Eurocentric ones. Chancellor Williams expresses his concern about the colonization of Africa’s history in his book, The Destruction of Black Civilization, that as long as we rely on white scholars to do our work for us, we should stay silent about what they produce.

Parting Shot: What Africa Must Do

Every revolution must start in the mind. Africans must start to read and scrutinize the quality of literature they read. Africa’s children must be taught about their royalty, to be masters and not just servants. The change must first be mental, acquiring more information about your history that has been deliberately hidden from you creates discomfort in the mind prompting you to research more. There is a difference between knowing what you know and knowing what you have been taught.

The New Philosophy of African Redemption

As suggested by Dr George G. E James in his masterpiece on the loss of Africa’s glorious past titled STOLEN LEGACY, the philosophy is mental and social redemption, letting the world know that black people of north Africa gave philosophy to the world and not Greeks. Freeing the mind from the worship of Greek intellect and miseducation of some western scholars.

This would be a necessary escape for the black people from the social plight caused by the false tradition of inferiority complex caused by Arab and European slave traders. Africans will wake up and stop the hero worship of other races and create and emulate those of their own.

Are you interested in studying Africa’s glorious history and culture? Get the African In Me by Chiro Martin via Amazon. You may as well send me an email on any issue of concern to

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