Buy books by the Afrikan Shujaa authors

Apart from writing articles, the authors (Chiro Martin, Fidel Kisao and D. Omowale) of this honourable magazine authored some books on African history. By buying a book from any of the authors, you would have motivated them to keep up the good work of spreading pan-Africanism.

The African in Me by Martin Chiro

This book by our founder, Chiro Martin, gives a new focus on Africa and the black race at large. It is about the glorious history of Africa, from when Africans were kings, queens, and builders of the world's most outstanding civilizations. It records why we are in our current state, why the world looks down upon us and how we lost almost everything that made us leaders of the human race. The book also gives an idea of what we should do to bring back our lost glory. Martin Chiro is a supporter of the stands of one of our most esteemed race leaders, Marcus Garvey. In one of his speeches, Hon. Garvey agrees that some whites are racists against us not because of our skin colour but our current state. Africa should raise!

Politician X: World Problem by Fidel Kisao

POLITICIAN  X is a comprehensive book that investigates and illustrates how politicians and politics influence the policies and lives of the masses in Africa and the rest of the world. It outlines the invasion of Africa popularly known as colonization and slavery, the do's and don't in politics and how we (the citizens) have been affected by the policies the politicians put forth. POLITICIAN X  also provides potential solutions for the great struggle against wretchedness and neo-colonialism in Africa.

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A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.

Marcus Moziah Garvey.

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