Below are links to softcopy books on African history that you can access and download for free. To get the hard copy versions, you should visit a bookshop near you or order the books through the many available online bookstores like Amazon, Ko-fi, or Barnes and Noble.
- Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey by Amy Jacques Garvey
- Africa Must Unite by Dr. Kwame Nkrumah
- The ISIS/Yssis Papers: Key To the Colours by Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, MD
- The Destruction of Black Civilization by Chancellor Williams
- UNESCO General History of Africa, Vol II
- Pre-colonial Black Africa by Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop
- The Arab invasion of Egypt and the last 30 years of the Roman dominion by Alfred Butler
- The (re)creation of a heroine: the case of Mekatilili wa Menza by Prof. Cecilia Nyamweru
- From Babylon to Timbuktu by Prof. Rudolph Windsor
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