A united, proseperous and powerful continent: What Africa would be if African Union Agenda 2063 will be fully realized

According to the official African Union (AU) publication, Agenda 2063 is explained as a shared framework for inclusive growth and sustainable development for Africa that is set by the organization to be realized in the next 50 years. It is a blueprint that the continent’s heads-of-states approved in May 2013 as a master plan to transform Africa into a superpower of the future.

The said blueprint can simply be explained as a comeback plan since Africa was such a power in antiquity. History has it that Africans in ancient times were masters of the world. The continent was at that point a hub for technological, scientific, agricultural, and architectural advancements.

African Logo map
African Map

What led to the downfall of Africa and its people is a topic for another day! The most common reasons are slavery, colonialism, and recently bad governance. These and many more factors that divide and undermine Africa are what the AU is committed to dealing with. To achieve that, Agenda 2063 has a goal of transforming Africa into an integrated, prosperous, and peaceful continent that will be driven by its citizens and ultimately become a key player in the international arena. AU on its website further adds that Agenda 2063 “is a concrete manifestation of the Pan-African drive for unity, self-determination, freedom, progress and collective prosperity pursued under Pan-Africanism and African Renaissance.”

The conception of Agenda 2063 was influenced by the realization by modern African leaders that there was a need to redefine the continent’s objectives of political, economic, and social freedom that had been the focus of its precursor, The Organization of African Unity (OAU). The heads-of-state present at the May 2013 conference, exactly 50 years since the formation of the OAU decided to now prioritize among many other things; inclusive social and economic development, continental and regional integration, democratic governance, peace, and security. All aimed at reshaping Africa. 

Key pillars of Agenda 2063 that seek to revolutionize Africa

To realize the goal of Agenda 2063, the following seven pillars were formulated which demonstrates what the African people would want to be pursued and achieved by the said Agenda.

  • A prosperous Africa that is based on inclusive growth and sustainable development – Africa is by 2063 envisioned to be a continent of shared prosperity among its member states, which is financed and managed by its own growth and transformation process.

  • A fully integrated continent that is politically united based on the ideals of Pan-Africanism and the vision of Africa’s Renaissance – By 2063 Africa is expected to have emerged as a united continent, strong, sovereign, independent, and self-reliant that has achieved full economic and political integration.

  • An Africa that is a hub for good governance, democracy, respect for human rights, justice, and the rule of law – This pillar is guided by the belief that by 2063, Africa will have a well-rehearsed culture of good governance, democratic values, gender equality, respect for human rights, justice and the rule of law.

  • A peaceful and secure Africa – By the year 2063, Africa will have emerged as a peaceful and secure continent, a conflict-free continent with harmony and understanding among communities at the grassroots level of every country.

  • An Africa with a strong and common cultural identity, heritage, values, and ethics – Africa as the cradle of human civilization, is the custodian of a celebrated cultural and historical patrimony that has contributed enormously to human civilization. Therefore, African cultural identity, values, and ethics as a critical factor in Africa’s renaissance, will have been adequately promoted and strengthened by 2063.

  • An Africa whose development is people-driven, relying on the potential of African people, especially its women, and youths, and caring for children – Africa is expected that by 2063, it will be a continent where all citizens will actively be involved in the decision-making of all aspects of development, including social, economic, political and environmental issues. Moreover, Africa will then be a continent where every child, woman, or man will be brought on board.

  • Africa as a strong, united, resilient, and influential global player and partner – The Africa of 2063 will be a strong, united, resilient, and influential global player. It will be an equal partner playing a bigger role in world affairs.

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In conclusion, the AU Agenda 2063 is a plan that not only envisions the aspiration of African people as spoken above but also has sufficient mechanisms put in place that will lead to this transformation. The key mechanism laid down to help in the realization of Agenda 2063 is the 10-year Implementation Plan which is intended to ensure that the Agenda delivers both quantitative and qualitative transformational changes for the continent. The Implementation plan identifies priority areas, has specific set targets, and defines strategies and policy measures required to implement Agenda 2063. It is an Agenda that the continent is fully committed to implementing it. 

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