According to Western democracy; democracy is a system of government where power is held by the people, either directly or through elected representatives. In a democratic system: citizens have the right to participate in free and fair elections to choose their leaders; the government is accountable to the people, and the citizens have the right to hold their leaders accountable. Individual rights such as freedom of speech, assembly, and press are protected. The rule of law prevails, and laws are applied equally to all citizens.
The government is transparent in its decision-making processes. Whereas here in Mother nature [Africa], Western democracy is exacerbated through ethnic and tribal lines for instance our African continent has over 2000 political parties, and this has led to;
(1). Political instability because they're built on deep-seated ethnic or regional divisions.
(2). Corruption because there's lack of transparency and accountability.
(3). Undermining African sovereignty because African democracies rely heavily on the so-called foreign aid.
(4). Disproportionate of external imperial actors such as foreign powers or the so-called international organizations. Reminisce, he who feeds you controls you!
Why there's is a need for African countries to cease failed Western democracy in Africa?
As KAGIIRI [Pan Africanist], I'll first quote for you the words of Marcus Mosiah Garvey; "a people without knowledge of their past history, origin, and culture is like a tree without roots." Let's embrace our African roots for the survival of Black race both at home and diaspora Caribbean. It's because of Western democracy that;
(1) We kill our brothers to assume power and just manage colonial notion.
(2) We spend billions of borrowed money in the so-called democratic transition when in actual sense it's done by colonial managers [puppets and traitors] to just please their Western masters for instance in a country like Rwanda where President Paul Kagame just of recent past got over 99% of the vote!
(3) We create political instability due to politics of resentment.
(4) Inefficient decision-making due to many competing interests and viewpoints.
How to cease failed Western democracy in Africa?
The only shortest possible way to get rid of this failed Western democracy is to embrace ideologies of Pan-Africanism, social and economic transformation of Africa. Pan Africanism is a movement and ideology that aims to promote unity, solidarity, and cooperation among the people of African descent worldwide. It emphasizes the shared history, culture, and experiences of Africans and African heritage, and seeks to address the social, economic, and political challenges facing African diaspora. This ideology was initiated by our African revolutionaries for example Marcus Garvey, W.E.B. Du Bois, Kwame Nkrumah, Julius Nyerere, Steven Bantu Biko among others. Pan Africanism promotes;
(1) African solidarity and unity.
(2) Empowerment of African institutions like strengthening AU and other regional institutions to drive integration and development.
(3) African identity and culture through teaching history, languages, arts, and traditions.
(4) African interests globally through advocating for African perspectives and interests in international forums for example advocates for common currency because flag independence without economic freedom has failed African efforts to foster economic development and sovereignty. Remember, IMF and World Bank controls Africa's economic freedom!
What to swap with Western democracy in Africa?
I'll only quote for you the words of Steven Bantu Biko; "The only way to achieve true freedom is through the destruction of forces that has enslaved us." And yes, it's through the destruction of forces that has enslaved us like;
(1) Failed Western democracy.
(2) Scam religions from invaders both Europoid and Arabic.
(3) Berlin boarders holding us hostage economically and politically.
(4) Inferiority complex caused by brainwashing of our people especially the youth by Western actors [politicians] hence undermining our African sovereignty!
[The writer, KAGIIRI, is a devoted Pan-Africanist from Uganda. Email him at]
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