Why African history is important to you


How much African history do you know? It is sad to realize that most Africans don’t know their real history. What’s even more shocking is that African schools also don’t teach African history. 

If you doubt me go get their history textbook, it is full of the failures of Africans. More to find is the European and Arab conquest of Africans and demonization of African cultures. The Africa most people know is that of colonization. 

Great Africa before colonialism is unknown. Africa as a continent did not begin with slavery, Africa before the conquest was an advanced civilized continent that was too generous to pass to the whole world. Most of the world's great civilizations were founded by African people. They include; Ancient Egypt, Kush, and Mesopotamia.

The great Sphinx of Pharaoh Khafre
Ancient Egypt, 4th dynasty

Your history is as much important as your breathing. The other races know this that’s why they respect their history and actually want it to be imposed on another race. Your history gives you confidence and builds your self-esteem. Studying history helps you know where you as a race did mistakes and how you can change.

Some bad things indeed happened to our race, but Nelson Mandela says that we should forgive the white man but we should not forget what happened to our race, we should live to tell our grandchildren that they are keener to prevent it from happening again. Marcus Garvey continues by reminding us that our history did not begin with slavery, Africa’s glorious past is also ours to claim.

Classical Africa before the invasion

When Marcus talks of a glorious past, he means the Kemetic time and the Kingdom of Kush. The prosperous times of the West African kingdoms like Benin, Ghana, Songhay, Mali e.t.c. It also Includes the Great Zimbabwe, Zulu kingdom, Kingdom of Aksum in East Africa, and many more hidden Achievements of Africans. African history is a marking scheme of what is true in the world stories and what are lies that’s why they don’t like it and will do everything to keep it underwater.

The supremacy and inferiority of a race are not natural, it is man-made. There is no world history without African History. Every scholar knows that the first people on the planet were African men and women, they then gave birth to the other races.

Early indigenous inhabitants of different continents

If you observe the white supremacy system/ culture, it is built on a history of which most of it is African glorious past whitewashed. For Africans to regain their glory, they should claim their history back. Our history of when we ruled the earth and founded world civilization. When spirituality, technology, innovations, science, mathematics, and medicine was all about Africans.

Illustration of Mansa Musa 1,
Emperor of Mali 13th century 

A lot of today’s innovations too cannot be mentioned without an African name. When you say that Christopher Columbus discovered America just remember that an African emperor Mansa Musa traveled to America from Mali many years before Columbus. Almost all Greek and Roman innovations came from ancient black Egypt, Kemet. Greek's ancient scholars were schooled in Egypt and were taught by black specialists.

Your African history is strong! Be proud of it! Research and Learn about it. Separate the truth from lies. Own your story. Then we will have a stronger and more intelligent race.

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